“Agi’s vision for my native garden fulfilled all my desires. I love that there is always some new pop of color throughout the various seasons of the year. I also enjoy watching the native bees, humming birds, lizards, and more stopping by to enjoy the garden as well.
Thank you Agi!”
Bill Leisure
San Jose
“I hired Agi to help design my front yard, and convert an old lawn that consumed tons of water, into a CA Native plant garden, utilizing water efficient irrigation and plants. She worked around a huge camphor tree and came up with a beautiful design that I am getting compliments on from neighbors all the time. She is so knowledgeable and is very helpful with questions or anything I need. I am enjoying the yard and look forward to watching everything as it grows, and attracting new pollinators and other wildlife in my new yard.
I highly recommend Agi to anyone seeking a CA native plant expert!”
Nanci Scharfen
Mountain View
“I am among the mostly silent on GWN [CNPS Gardening with Natives forum] as I read nearly every day's posting. You — you are amazing. You so generously contribute a wealth of information. You delicately present to novices information they appear to be timid about exploring. As we all applaud every effort toward more native and sustainable gardens — I especially applaud you for your time, effort and generosity.”
Ginny Babbitt
Los Altos
“I joined the daily gardening with natives Q&A a few months ago. I volunteer with with CNPS Monterey Bay chapter weekly+. Thank you for your wise presence on the site. You have shared so much with so many. And with so much patience! You are a gift to our precious natives and the animals, bringing us together. With much gratitude.”
Amy Essick
Carmel Valley
“From the first walk through of our yard to the finished landscape design, we had a very enjoyable experience with Agi. Agi is a wealth of information about California natives and a great resource for landscapers. She answered all of our questions and was very thorough when walking us through the design process.
Agi also helped us jump through the hoops of matching the Santa Clara Water District’s list of acceptable natives for the lawn rebate program. Her wisdom and knowledge made what could have been a very painful process, almost stress free!
And, now that we have our landscape installed, we are already loving the beauty of Agi’s design. From the delicate lavenders and whites of the currently blooming flowers to the thoughtfully placed pathways and stones, we are thrilled with our California Natives yard.”
Jennifer & Warren James
San Jose
Annie Haines
San Jose
On behalf of the Bol Park California Native Plot Committee and the Barron Park Association, we would like to express our deep gratitude for your undaunted dedication, efforts, and hard work to beautify our little corner of Bol Park with a California Native garden. Our Native Garden is a precious jewel that enhances and graces our neighborhood. We are so fortunate that you had the vision to create it and the endurance to nurture it and make it grow. We thank you."
Linda Elder
Newsletter of the Palo Alto Barron Park Neighborhood Association
We highly recommend Agi for her flexibility (Flexibilis kehoensis), delightful sense of humor (Umor sensus californica), and huge talent (Magna talentum agium)!”
Mary Lynn and Tony Schoenbeck
Los Altos
We give her two green thumbs up. ”
C. Elliston and J. Huck
Palo Alto
Peter Cellarius and Heather Shelvey
San Jose
Sandi Spires
Kevin Knapp & Michelle Evans
Peter & Sue LaTourrette
Los Altos
Christine Couteau
Grace Ave Garden, San Jose
Marla Miller & Lance Lawson
San Jose
Photo by Lance Lawson, used with permission
Jean Staats
Shirley Finfrock
Palo Alto
Susan Mosher
San Jose
Elsa Nimmo
Menlo Park
Jim Conley
Brian Bump
Mountain View
Denise Delange